Results for 'Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Kurhansʹkyĭ'

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  1. Krytyka suchasnykh burz︠h︡uaznykh kontseptsiĭ sutnosti li︠u︡dyny.Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Kurhansʹkyĭ - 1971 - "Naukova Dumka".
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  2. Tsinnistʹ i otsinka.Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Vasylenko - 1964
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  3. Katehorii︠a︡ dovirʹi︠a︡ v marksystsʹkiĭ etytsi.Borys Oleksandrovych Rutkovsʹkyĭ - 1970
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    Sumlinni︠a︡ inteligenta: statti, narysy, eseï.Volodymyr Hrabovsʹkyĭ - 2018 - Drohobych: Posvit.
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    Socio-historical and political sources of the emergence of Islamic fundamentalism.Volodymyr I. Lubs’kyi & I. V. Kulish - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:49-59.
    Over the last 30 years, the growing role of political Islam has attracted attention from both the media and academia. Although it is given various names, such as "Islamic fundamentalism", "militant Islam", "political Islam", all this is due to the fact that a certain trend in Islamic movement is gaining more influence in politics and security in the global scale. The decisive moment in this was the overthrow in 1979 of the pro-Western Shah monarchy in Iran and the creation of (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Filosofsʹkyĭ slovnyk.Volodymyr Ilarionovych Shynkaruk (ed.) - 1973 - Kyïv: Hol. red. Ukraïnsʹkoï rad. ent︠s︡yklopediï.
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    Postatʹ Dmytra Chyz︠h︡evsʹkoho v ukraïnsʹkiĭ filosofsʹkiĭ kulʹturi: monohrafii︠a︡.Andriĭ Oleksandrovych Pohorilyĭ - 2020 - Kyïv: VPT︠S︡ Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet.
    Metodolohichni studiï Dmytra Chyz︠h︡evsʹkoho -- Ukraïnsʹka filosofii︠a︡ chy filosofii︠a︡ "na Ukraïni"? -- Dmytro Chyz︠h︡evsʹkyĭ i︠a︡k istoryk rosiĭsʹkoï filosofiï -- Dmytro Chyz︠h︡evsʹkyĭ i︠a︡k heheleznavet︠s︡ʹ.
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    Ukraïnsʹkyĭ humanizm--totoz︠h︡nistʹ rat︠s︡ionalʹnoho ta irrat︠s︡ionalʹnoho: (try stupeni skhodz︠h︡enni︠a︡ do istyny).Volodymyr Vasylʹovych Ilʹïn - 1999 - Kyïv: Kyïvsʹkyĭ derz︠h︡. torhovelʹno-ekon. universytet.
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    Kyïvsʹki obriï: istoryko-filosofsʹki narysy.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ & Maryna Tkachuk (eds.) - 1997 - Kyïv: Informat︠s︡iĭno-vydavnychyĭ t︠s︡entr Stylos.
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    Phywa-pa Chos-kyi-seng-geʼi gsung gces btus dbu tshad kyi yig cha bzhugs so.Phya-Pa Chos-Kyi-Seng-Ge - 2012 - Lhasa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig-dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang.
    Selection of author's works on Svātantrika Madhyamika philosophy and logic.
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    Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho (eds.) - 2012 - Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
    Buddhits logical debates according to Kagyudpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.
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  12. Narysy z istoriï filosofsʹkoï kulʹtury Kyïvsʹkoï Rusi: seredyna XII-seredyna XIII ct.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1993 - Kyïv: Naukova dumka.
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    Relihiĭno-filosofsʹka dumka v Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohyli︠a︡nsʹkiĭ akademiï: i︠e︡vropeĭsʹkyĭ kontekst.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 2002 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyĭ dim "KM Akademi︠a︡".
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  14. Sotsialʹne seredovyshche ta istoryko-filofsʹkyĭ protses.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1969
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    Fenomenolohii︠a︡ mudrosti: dukhovni priorytety ta imperatyvy (sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofsʹkyĭ kontekst): monohrafii︠a︡.P. M. Lisovsʹkyĭ - 2016 - Kyiv: Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ totalʹnosti.I︠E︡vhen Oleksandrovych Akymovych - 2012 - Odesa: Pres-kur'i︠e︡r.
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    Pravoznavstvo u systemi naukovoho znanni︠a︡: aksiolohichno-hnoseolohichnyĭ pidkhid.Oleh Oleksandrovych Bandura - 2010 - Kyïv: Kyïvsʹkyĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ universytet vnutrishnikh sprav.
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    Від Яйця-райця до ідеї Спасителя.Mykola Oleksandrovych Chmykhov - 2001 - Kyïv: "Lybidʹ".
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    Aksiolohii︠a︡ praktychnoho rozumu.Serhiĭ Oleksandrovych I︠A︡vonenko - 2000 - Kyïv: Ukraïnsʹkyĭ t︠s︡entr dukhovnoï kulʹtury.
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    Rozvytok filosofsʹkoï dumky v Ukraïni: rekomendat︠s︡iĭnyĭ bibliohrafichnyĭ pokaz︠h︡chyk.Oleh Oleksandrovych Kozak - 1994 - Kyïv: Nat︠s︡ionalʹna parlamentsʹka biblioteka Ukraïny.
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    Estetyka.Vi︠a︡cheslav Oleksandrovych Kudin - 1967
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    Psikhologicheskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ prava i sovremennostʹ =.Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Merez︠h︡ko - 2017 - Odesa: "Feniks".
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    Sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ prava N.S. Timasheva.Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Merez︠h︡ko - 2012 - Odessa: Feniks.
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  24. Grub mthaʾ thams cad kyi khuṅs daṅ ʾdod tshul ston pa legs bśad śel gyi me loṅ.Thuʾu-Bkwan Blo-Bzaṅ-Chos-Kyi-ÑI-Ma - 1962 - [Banaras:
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    Mariia Dmytrivna Kultaieva as a scientific supervisor.Volodymyr Abashnik - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):307-311.
    Words of gratitude and deep respect for Mariia Dmytrivna Kultaieva from her colleague and student Volodymyr Oleksiyovych Abashnik.
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    Thinking in Dark Times: Life, Death, and Social Solidarity.Volodymyr Yermolenko - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:45-53.
    In this article, Volodymyr Yermolenko examines the power of ideas to shape social and political events. He is particularly interested in the way misguided or false ideas about Russian and Ukrainian history and politics have contributed to the current Russia-Ukraine war. He also reflects on the way this war has transformed his understanding of some key philosophical concepts, including life, death, and social solidarity.
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  27. Problemy vykladanni︠a︡ lohiky i dyst︠s︡yplin lohichnoho t︠s︡yklu: materialy Miz︠h︡narodniï naukovo-praktychnoï konferent︠s︡iï, Kyïv, 13-14 travni︠a︡ 2004 roku.A. I︠E︡ Konversʹkyĭ & I. V. Khomenko (eds.) - 2004 - Kyïv: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyĭ t︠s︡entr "Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet".
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    Postmodern Picture of Reality of Scientific Knowledge: Evolution by Epistemological Diversity.Volodymyr Bekh, Alla Yaroshenko, Tetiana Zhyzhko, Vatiliy Ignatyev & Roman Dobonov - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (3):207-219.
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    Short eternity or The long end of Soviet academicism.Volodymyr Verloka - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):233-252.
    This article is the Opus postum of the author, who passed away in September 2023. Volodymyr Verloka is the author of numerous translations of philosophical classics from English, worked in various academic institutions, including the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. He received his philosophical education at the beginning of the 1990s and personally witnessed the Soviet period of Ukrainian philosophy. The author’s critical reflections offered (...)
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    Lesia Ukrainka, Don Juan and Europe: ideology and eropolitics in the Stone Master.Volodymyr Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:49-79.
    The article is focused on Lesia Ukrainka’s famous drama The Stone Master (Kaminnyi Hospodar), her remake of the Don Juan legend. The author of the article, Ukrainian philosopher Volodymyr Yermolenko, localizes Lesia’s masterpiece in a broader European tradition of the legend. He compares The Stone Master with the previous version of the Don Juan legend, by Tirso de Molina (The Trickster of Seville), Moli re (Dom Juan), Mozart (Don Giovanni), Hoffmann (Don Juan), Grabbe (Faust and Don Juan) and others. (...)
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  31. Kun gzigs Ma hā Paṇḍi ta Rje Bla ma Gzhan phan chos kyi snang baʼi gsung thor bu las zhal gdams ʼbel gtam gyi skor rnams: collected instructions and useful explanations of Buddhist philosophical concepts. Gzhan-Phan-Chos-Kyi-Snang-Ba - 1985 - Rewalsar, Distt. Mandi, H.P., India: Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute.
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    The current state of the project "Russkyi mir" and the consequences of its implementation in Ukraine.Volodymyr Hurzhy - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:73-84.
    In the author's article Volodymyr Hurzhy "The current state of the project "Russkyi mir" and the consequences of its implementation in Ukraine" interprets the project "Russian measure" as a new form of the Russian national idea, which always had a relational-mythological core and was associated with ideas about choices Russian people. From the ideological point of view, the doctrine of the "Russkyi mir" is an option of a religiously motivated ideology appealing to the Orthodox values, specifically meaningful Russian history, (...)
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    This is your brain on stereotypes: how science is tackling unconscious bias.Tanya Lloyd Kyi - 2020 - Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press. Edited by Drew Shannon, Jennifer Stokes & Kathleen Keenan.
    An essential overview of the science behind stereotypes: from why our brains form them to how recognizing them can help us be less biased.From the time we're babies, our brains constantly sort and label the world around us --- a skill that's crucial for our survival. But, as adolescents are all too aware, there's a tremendous downside: when we do this to groups of people it can cause great harm. Here's a comprehensive introduction to the science behind stereotypes that will (...)
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    Normative character of the principles of Social doctrine of Catholic Church: an evolutional way of formation.Volodymyr Moroz - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:142-147.
    The article of Volodymyr Moroz ―Normative character of the principles of Social doctrine of Catholic Church: an evolutional way of formation - is devoted to the analysis of Catholic Church’s Teaching over the human dignity. Author explores also the process of settling of the principles of common good, subsidiarity and solidarity in the Teaching of Catholic Church. Mentioned principles are investigated in the case of orientation to provide a reverence to transcendent human dignity. Author sums up that all three (...)
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    Платонізм та арістотелізм як джерело відмінностей внутріш-ньої форми християнських традицій Західної Європи та Візантії доби Середньовіччя.Volodymyr Bilodid - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):111-139.
    The article examines the peculiarities of the attitude to Greek philosophy in Western Europe and Byzantium in the context of the historical development of the polarity of mentalities and cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. On the one hand, the philosophical teachings of Plato/Plotinus and on the other – Aristotle. It is shown that these polarities in their transformed versions manifested themselves in the division of medieval Europe into the Christian East (Greek-speaking and «Greek-minded» Byzantium) as the direct heir (...)
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    Теологічна герменевтика річарда хейза: Від наративної підструктури святого письма до християнської етики.Gorbenko Volodymyr - 2017 - Схід 4 (150):79-83.
    У статті розглянуто теоретичний доробок відомого сучасного богослова й дослідника Нового Заповіту Річарда Хейза. Показано, що вчений використовує Писання як підставу для етичного дискурсу і трансформації громади народу Божого в наші дні й пропонує проводити творчі аналогії між оповіддю текстів й оповіддю, яку проживає церква в зовсім інших історичних обставинах. Відзначено новаторський підхід Річарда Хейза до опису новозавітної етики на тлі змін у розумінні новозавітних листів, включаючи перехід від екзегетичних спроб витягти затвердження "істини" на підставі листів Павла до дослідження богослов'я (...)
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    Justification under uncertainty.Volodymyr Navrotskyi - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 6:78-85.
    Belief formation and justification of belief is the subject of epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of action. In this article we are mostly interested in the application of analytic techniques for the explication of belief justification under uncertainty. We need to explicate this phenomenon in order to answer, at least in part, the question of what are the features of reasoning made in conditions that cause doubts, how people make decisions in such conditions. Arguments used for the justification of (...)
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  38. Ukrainian Analytical Studies of Science in the Search of the Sense of their Existence.Volodymyr Kuznetsov - 2012 - In М Попович, Теорія смислу в гуманітарних дослідженнях та інтенсіональні моделі в точних науках. pp. 116-168.
    The Soviet ideology treated natural science as one of its cornerstones and provided the state support for philosophical studies of science. Their main aims were to prove its intellectual superiority and to demonstrate its scientific character. Do these studies have some positive results and resources for surviving in post-Soviet times? The chapter gives the overview of present situation in Ukrainian analytical studies of science and indicates some perspectives of their developments. Some of these are connected with a careful structure-nominative analysis (...)
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  39. Розвиток гомілетики в київській духовній академії: Західні впливи та пошуки власного шляху.Volodymyr Bureha - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:57-64.
    The article is devoted to the review of history of homiletics as a science in the Kyiv theological tradition. On the basis of the analysis of the first domestic work on the theory of the sermon, made by Yoanykyi Haliatovskyi, process of influence of the Catholic baroque sermon on original homiletics in Kyiv in 17th century is shown. The article also analyzes homiletic views of an archbishop Theofan Prokopovych, who sought to reform the domestic church sermon, depriving it of the (...)
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    Філософія та психологія джеймса мілля (1773–1836) в інтерпретації федора зеленогорського.Volodymyr O. Abashnik - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:90-98.
    In the article, a little-studied question of the critical interpretation of the philosophical and psychological position of the representative of Scotland tradition James Mill in the university philosophy, especially in the work of Kharkiv Professor Fedor Zelenogorskii is presented. At first, the main periods of scientific and creative career of Fedor Zelenogorskii, including his studying at the Kazan Clerical Academy and the historical-philosophical faculty at the Kazan University are considered. Then his scientific internship from 1871 till 1873 in Germany and (...)
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    A Word of Welcome From the Editor-in-Chief.Volodymyr Morenets - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:v-vii.
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    First comments on the Ukrainian translation of Kant's "Prolegomena" edited by Ivan Mirčhuk.Volodymyr Pylypovych - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):130-142.
    The verbatim text of the first printed responses to the appearance of the Ukrainian translation of Kant's "Prolegomena" edited by Ivan Mirčhuk is given. Biographical data of some members of the team that worked on this translation is also provided.
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  43. Kuznetsov V. From studying theoretical physics to philosophical modeling scientific theories: Under influence of Pavel Kopnin and his school.Volodymyr Kuznetsov - 2017 - ФІЛОСОФСЬКІ ДІАЛОГИ’2016 ІСТОРІЯ ТА СУЧАСНІСТЬ У НАУКОВИХ РОЗМИСЛАХ ІНСТИТУТУ ФІЛОСОФІЇ 11:62-92.
    The paper explicates the stages of the author’s philosophical evolution in the light of Kopnin’s ideas and heritage. Starting from Kopnin’s understanding of dialectical materialism, the author has stated that category transformations of physics has opened from conceptualization of immutability to mutability and then to interaction, evolvement and emergence. He has connected the problem of physical cognition universals with an elaboration of the specific system of tools and methods of identifying, individuating and distinguishing objects from a scientific theory domain. The (...)
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    Ексцепціоналізм як інструмент дослідження історії української політичної філософії ХІХ століття.Volodymyr Volkovskyi - 2024 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):111-136.
    У статті аналізуються можливості застосування поняття «ексцепціоналізм» в рамках досліджень історії української політичної думки. Окреслюється загальне поняття «ексцепціоналізм», здійснено короткий екскурс в історію цього поняття в контекстах дослідження історії американської політичної думки і культури, громадянської релігії, а також в більш глобалізованому контексті. Зокрема, розглянуто застосування цього терміну в рамках русистики і визначення російської політики як «гібридного ексцепціоналізму», а також роль Сталіна в формуванні американського ексцепціоналістичного дискурсу. На підставі огляду сучасної західної наукової літератури з цієї тематики окреслено загальне поняття «ексцепціоналізм» та (...)
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    A Word of Welcome From the Editor-in-Chief.Volodymyr Morenets - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:v.
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    From People to Nation: The Prague Period of the History of Ukrainian Political Philosophy.Volodymyr Volkovskyi - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:27-54.
    The author of the article, based on a study of the writings of intellectuals from the Ukrainian diaspora in interwar Czechoslovakia, primarily professors at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague (1921-1945), formulates some ideas and trends and defines the Prague period of Ukrainian political philosophy. This period is determined by the formation of a powerful centre of Ukrainian intellectual life in Prague, a kind of "Noah's Ark" of Ukrainian emigration. The Prague period of the history of Ukrainian thought in exile (...)
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    History and Identity: How Historical Theory Shapes Historical Practice, written by Stefan Berger.Volodymyr Sklokin - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 19 (1):116-118.
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    Search for a New Metaphysics: The Concept of Philosophical Cosmology of Gilles Deleuze.Volodymyr Prykhodko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):40-43.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The purpose of this article is to reveal the concept of philosophical cosmology as a new metaphysics based on ideas proposed by Gilles Deleuze in his work "The Logic of Sense". For this, it is necessary to get rid of the interpretation of philosophical cosmology as an exclusively philosophical-scientific discipline and begin to perceive it as a basic theory of order that can replace ontology. To implement this strategy, Deleuze turns (...)
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    The path to national leadership: an understanding of the 25-year formation of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.Volodymyr Lugovyi - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):20-36.
    In the article, from the positions of the director (2006-2012), part-time chief researcher and member of the academic council (since 2006), national higher education reform expert (since 2009), the features of the 25-year history of Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which founded in the context of global, regional and national development of higher education, its quantitative growth and qualitative enrichment, efficiency of activity are considered. The stages and aspects of the modernization of (...)
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    Гносеологія православної теології доби постмодерну.Volodymyr Grytsyshyn - 2016 - Схід 3 (143):75-79.
    У статті виконано релігієзнавчий аналіз гносеології православної теології доби постмодерну. Аналіз гносеологічних учень представників православної теології початку XXI століття є особливо актуальним оскільки сьогодні саме теологічна гносеологія визначає характер антропології, онтології та систематичної теології. Автором показано, що православні мислителі доби постмодерну намагаються створити феноменологію спілкування з Богом як персональною реальністю. Ця феноменологія суттєво залежить від сучасної філософії і теології, особливо - від робіт французького теологічного мислителя Ж.-Л. Маріона. Гносеологія православної теології доби постмодерну знаходиться на стадії становлення, переживаючи трансформацію від містичного (...)
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